
Friday 30 October 2015


Ahhh!!! Nyuswa
Ihlobo liyathwasa, imbewu ilungile.
Intanyongo zijinga eziqobeni, iziswenye zithiwe nkqi ngamaqhina.
Nasi isitha.
Kubhuqhisiwe kwagqitywa, icekwa lilele nomlimi.
Uyalila ongenankomo, itsho nengoma yentonjane xa kutshatiswa.
Iinkabi zakuthi azintlanga, umhlaba womile xa zinongena zingantlaka.
Mayine! Ize nobomi obutsha.
Ukuwa kwamaqabaza bubutyebi kwantu.
Iimpahla ziyahlutha, uziva ngokukhonya.
Iimithi iyahlanza ngamasebe, intaka zinemincili zitsho oontyilontyilo.
Imilambo izele, inyathela ngesandikazi ukubheka ngaselwandle.
Eli lituma lokuzenzela intlutha kongelovila.
Umhlaba unembuyekezo kovuka nokusithela kwenyanga, xa imhlophe usalalelani?
Imvula sisondlo kwaba funa ukuphila.
Iqabaza nganye lifa nokuhlutha komhlaba,inene umhlaba uyaginya yaye uyanxanwa.
Imvula iphela nokuphuma kwelanga, kulapho kuvela yonke indima yemvula.
Kungani na umsebenzi omngaka ongabonwa ngumnikazi?
Ewe siyibuka nelanga, siyiyolela sodwa kunye nenye indalo.
Imvula ngumchwebi endalweni.
Ibumba Sibukele, itsho emzimbeni kohamba elubala.


Saturday 24 October 2015


Crossing the RubriNdela

"The crossing of a small stream in northern Italy became one of ancient history's most pivotal events" (Eye Witness to History; 2015, 1). Azania behold your children bringing two worlds that have coexisted together. No water flows in this stream, but rail tracks. The Mandela Bridge, a symbolic Azanian structure, runs over the still tracks connecting two worlds of the same people. Across the bridge lies the bustle and hustle of Johannesburg CBD, where millions have come in search of fortune or escape from poverty; Egoli, the fabled city of gold, where mine fields use to exist. On the other side lies Braamfontein, where many hopes and dreams are intellectually weaved. On both sides of the bridge lie people looking for Better Lives. 

"It was January 49 BC, Caesar was staying in the northern Italian city of Ravenna and he had a decision to make" (Eye Witness to History; 2015, 1 ). On the 22nd of October 2015, an abrupt decision to cross a symbolic man-made structure tilted the course of Azanian history. The young Azanian population decided to cross a bridge made as a symbolic stride in transforming Azania. These young brothers and sisters had their own Caesars who tested their fears above and beyond. The "born frees" acted where Azania lamented...
"From it sprang the Roman Empire and the Genesis is of of modern European culture" (Eye Witness to History; 2015, 1). The ant-looking masses, to many sceptics, "their defiant act will reward a white elephant", they said mockingly. But masses care not. They are on a quest; a long walk to the oldest movement. They took a walk defiantly, like Nelson Mandela did, in the name of what is due, and true, to mankind. He might have fallen to a world that lies beyond, but his soul laid a path on which the "born frees" trotted on for salvation.

"This tiny stream would reveal Caesar's intentions and mark the point of no return" (Eye Witness to History; 2015, 1 ). Below the bridge lies trains, a historical locomotive of Azania. A carrier of the masses; slow in speed, but possessing deadly, unrivalled power. One witnesses all sorts of people and activities in these locomotives; some making a living, some coming from such; deep in thought.

"Either he acquiesced to the Senate's command or he moved southward to confront Pompey and plunge the Roman Republic into a bloody civil war" (Eye Witness to History; 2015, 1 ). Backward never, forward forever! The masses' determination is reflected by the trains' sheer capability of carrying as much load as possible. As they walk over the trains they are carrying Azania's broken promises. After days of demonstration, their demands were not met. Yet they did not yield to the authorities' weak response. They Marched to Luthuli House's doorstep.

"An ancient Roman law forbade any general from crossing the Rubicon River and entering Italy proper with a standing army. To do so was treason" (Eye Witness to History; 2015, 1 ). The Luthuli House is also known as the revolutionary house. No one has led a counter-revolution against the house. It was an unwritten law until these young brothers and sisters challenged the status quo. 

What has always resided next to the bridge under our noses finally raised its majestic head and cried out; MAKE HISTORY; a command echoed by The OOH BILLBOARD, edging the young brigade across the Nelson Mandela bridge. This is the language of the ancient, the spirit of unity; these are the words that revolutionaries of all time had suckled from their mothers' breast; a truth known since infancy, an epithet of life since the beginning of time. Sometimes the most powerful events in life are expressed vehemently by what we ignore each day. All days walking across the bridge were the same, until we decide to cross the RubriNdela.

List of References 

Eye Witness to History, 2015. Julius Caesar: Crossing the Rubricon. [Available] Accessed: 23 October 2015

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Ukwenda Komfazi - ngemifanekiso yamandulo ethathwe eMthatha, Xhora 

Yenza imincili into yokubona lemifanekiso kuba ibonisa isiqalo nesiphelo sokwendiswa komfazi. Ndibulela ukuba ngumzukulwana wabantu ababomvu. Bona babenyeliselwa ukuphila ubumi babo. Ahh!! Zamnjini. Ahh!! Noleveni. Andinazi. Zange ndanibona. Imbali yenu ndiyayiva. Nikhona ngoko moya. Ndinqwenela ukukhungwa nini kulendlela endiceba ukuyihamba. 

Ewe, ndiyile esikolweni, ndifundile, ndizalwa ligqobhoka. Ndikhulele ecaweni, kodwa andingweneli ukuphila ngembali, iimfundiso, imithetho, izithethe, amasiko wabanye abantu. MaSibutha nguye lo uMcwayizeni ka Dinizulu wakho. Ndiyabulela MaDlamini ukundenza umthandi wolwazi, undifundisile isithukuthezi sokungazi ubumi bakho. Mfo ka Kheli nguye lo uS'gudu somsuthu, uJakalase omaqhinga qhinga, yaguduza indoda ihleli yodwa endlini ayisebenzi. Ndiyakubulela Mtshali ngoku ndibonisa ukuba isiko lingahamba nobuKristu, kodwa ndicela undivumele ndigoduke ayandibiza amaTshowa. 

AmaTshowa andikhungile. Nimane ukundibiza ngokundenzela isazela nesizungu sokuthi gqolo ndifune ulwazi lwemvelaphi yam. Ndiyazibulela iinkonde neenkondekazi endifikele kuzo ezibe nofifi azafihla nto. Ndixela wena Singathile, Zweliyatshukuma, Nokhombile, Nogaweni, Nowathile, ukubalula nje abambalwa; kunye nolutsha lakuthi elimane lindifundisa okufanele indoda kwaDingata.

Ndizibambe ngeenkophe kuba utata undifundisile kuba ebona umdla kum. Nguye lo uSomatsetselele ubhayi inesinama, umasuza emasibini kuyonuka ekhaya, kwedini uyalibona elicuba ulichitha nje? Ahh!!! Zamkhaya! Uye wathi xa undinyanga, kuba bendigula ndihamba, uye wathi Ahh!! Ngangolwandle! Mayethe Tshowa.

Ndiyaphila ekhaya. Kulapho ndifunde ngeendlela zasekhaya. Ewe, isikolo sibalulekile kodwa asinode sindenze umngcatshi, ikhoboka leendlela zabanye abantu. Ngale  imisipha ndiceba ukufunda ukubhala isiXhosa saseXhora. Ndingumkhwetha, ndithwasela lembola emnyama phezu' kwel'thango limhlophe. 

Ukwenza komfazi - isiqendu sesibini 

Ahh!!! Zam'njini! "Hheke, nantsi into ndiyilibala, ndiyabulela mkhuluwa wam, INKOMO YOBULUNGA yiyo le.  “UFuniswa lo uzakuxhwitha kuyo nabantwana bakhe. “Ukuwa kwayo, izaphinde ivuswe nguye”.

UFuniswa ayisengo Funiswa ngumfazi wakwaGcaleka Ahh!!! Nokhungile. Kaloku oko sigqibeleni ngomhla womngcamo. NdiyaBhotisa kuni bafundi; Mayethe kwabafanele umayethe. Namhlanje sizakuhlalutya umendiso ka Nokhungile. 

Kanene ndathi:

"ITshowa eli aliziceleli indlela lodwa, litshayelelela nam mbhali. Sisiseko sobufazi esi. Asipheleli nje apha. Ze nilindele uduli sibone ukuba lisiphatheleni na lona."

...xa ndivala isiqendu sokuqala. Xa kunamhlanje sibeka uthango kwesiseko somngcamo. Ngqala ukuqaphela yiyo le inambezulu inwabuluka.

Ukhumbule ke mfundi siye samshiya simngcamisile kuphela umtshakazi, ke yiyo lonto sisiza noduli lodwa. lonto ayithethi ukuba azidityaniswa.

Ahh!!! Zam'njini! "MaTshowa kusemvakwemini, masingeneni endlwini, noko ilanga lasebusika liyakhawuleza. "Ehh MaTshowa sasivumeleni ukuba ngale imini sizakugqibezela umsebenzi walentombi. "Xa kunamhlanje ke sisa uduli kwaGcaleka, ukufika kwethu pha sizakwenza kuxokozelwe nje ngamandwendwe; sithi, uduli. "Ndiyaxoka mkhuluwa wam?"

Ahh!!! Singathile! "Tu Tshowa, hambisa"

Ahh !!! Zam'njini! "Ke MaTshowa masilungiseni"

Ahh!!! Nokhombile! "Yebethunana" ekhwaza ephandle

Ahh!!! Nokhombile "Ootata bangxamile pha, masilungiseni, ii-emela, iibhayi, iingobozi, amakhuba, umbalo ka mkhwenyana, izithebe, izembe, amakhukho, kunye nomahamba ehlala (ISICANGCA). "Kukho izinto ekufuneka zikhokhele ke apha, izinto ezinjengobutyala bokudlala, kuba xa sifika pha ngorhatya kuzafuneka sidlale ukuze singene. "Oonotshula Kome baphelele khona?"

masibuyele ebhungeni...

Ahh!!!Zam'njini! "Akukhonto ezasimisa phandle maTshowa ndicingba kwangcanyiswa kwagqitywa. "Ehh kukho itakane legutsha endilibhabhisileyo. Ayithethisi into yel'takane, kukwenzela ukuba sihambe siphethe nokuba licala elinetloko xa sifika pha. "Ehh kuzathi ekuseni xa kuxhelwa labhokhwe yokondlalelwa amandwendwe sibe sipheka elicala, noko ayithethisi le yethu inyama qha yandisa ubuhlobo. "Asinoyitya sodwa le nyama siyiphetheyo sizakuyitya namaGCaleka,kaloku siyokwendisa maTShowa siyomanya iziDuko. "Ehh yiyo lonto kufuneka sibe nonozaku-zaku kwenzele izinto esizenza xa sipha ziyondelelelane. "Ndimile ukutsho!."

Ahh!!! Phathisile "Ehh mandike ndivele botata, andinidelanga. "Ehh kusiliwe ekhapha, bendiceliwe ukuba noko kobutywala buhambayo ndibone uba akunophuma nto noko nokuba ingapha komkhoba. "Yiyo le maxhego, ziibhekile zintathu, ehh ngelingagwebiyo kunganjani ukuba ibhekile yokuqala ingene ngapha ngasemnyango enye ingene ngapha ngasentla ze enye ingene ngapha komama?"

Ahh!!! Singathile "Qhuba mfana,nguwe injoli!"

Ahh!!! Zam'njini "Ngelixetsha belungisa oomama masithobe unxano ngezibhekile. "Lamkhoba ungabiliyo ulungile kuba uzakusilinda de sibuye. "Ukutsho ke MaTshowa ukugqiba kwethu lenyama nobutywala siyahamba"

Ahh!!! Singathile "Akho mfana azovusa ibhekile na? "Kweh, akho bafana apha"

Ahh!!! Zimisele "Ndinguye lo, xhego"

Ahh!!! Singathile "Anibelekani na?"

Ahh!!! Ntab'oyolo "Sendikhona sabhunge" 

Uyakwazi ukuxokozela ke kwasetyaleni. Incoko itsho macala. Kukho abangothamonye, kukho nokungathi banxilwa ziintsipha, kukho abatshona mpela ebhekileni. Uyazazi ke nezitsho zasetywaleni,"Thunga siphingele". Ivakele lontswahla xa kungena obesilungu utywala, "Akulanjwa mani kwaDingata". Ingathi zonke izinto ziyayondelelana kuba nale iseziko iyalunga, naku umfana ungene, wayimisela into yokuba inyama ivuthiwe ulifumene ke ilizwi elisuka kooyise elithi, "Mayophulwe!". Uyophule ke umfana, zaphuma izithebe zaya emadodeni, nanjengesiqhelo izojo ziphume kuqala, zizipheko ezi, bakhalile oomama ngokukcutswa, "Yho, intoni, akavimbi amaTshowa mani". Kuyo yonke lonkalazo xa kukhwaza mfazi wumbi ukuba azorhabula, "Nowoooootileeee", kokokuthethela phezulu kwasetywala nothe wabizwa akaziva. Yiyo lonto kusoloko kukho ongathi iindlebe uzibazile nagakumbi kwabanye, "Nowotile, Nowotile, mmm nxa uyabizwa wethu". Watsho ngokuchulumancisayo, "Ahh! Mhlekaaaaaazzzzziii". Yiza Nowathile ndikubeleke...Oh athe zava amaTshowa azityela iinto zawo.

Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo! Ngumtshaaaaaaaattttoooooo

Ilaphu elimhlophe elixela umgidi liyaphephezela xa ulijongile kungathi lincancazeliswa yilengqele yokutshona kwelanga lasebusika. SikweyeThupha. Ayikahambi ukuhamba lengqele isekhona. Isika kubande ngakumbi xa kutshona ilanga. Zitya zigoduka iqunde ayilolazo. Kuthe nyaka kulomzi ka Zimasile. Iqhele ukuba ziimpahla ezithe dwedwelele kulamzi namhlanje ziswele indawo. Ayingomntu ukhwele phezulu komnye, ayizonoyi zodwa ezixinwe ngumngqutsho namhlanje, umntu ugila omnye. Ilanga selibuthambeka, lonto inthetha into enye apha kwaZimasile; LIYEZA UDUUUUUUULI!

Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo! Ngumtshaaaaaaaattttoooooo

Sele kumnyama eMtshayelweni, kulapho uduli luya khona. Khawujonge enkalweni, ujonge ukuba awuboni mangabangaba akhantshwa yimibhaco emhlophe qhwa kunye neditshiweyo. OW, kuthe kanti kukho omameleyo kuba kutheni nje ukuthi thu kwabo yatsho intswahla.Kukho abathi, "abazukungena tu". Hayi, abatsho ngetshova kaloku kuzawudlalwa unganyebelezeli.

Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo! Ngumtshaaaaaaaattttoooooo

Kudlaliwe ke kwagqitywa kwade kwabasebusuku. Indlu yamandwendwe ilungile. Izolile yiyo yodwa le izolileyo. Izimasile, ingathi iyakwazi ukubaluleka kwayo. Akurhidanga nabani na, kuyacaca ukuba kuthathwe incutshe apha ekurhideni. Ubulongwe obu bundlalwe okwamaza akuCwebhe. Bangenile abantu basemzini, abahambi bodwa ke kukho abakuphetheyo okunjengehamb'idlana. IInyanda zokubekelela igoqo langomso zizakufika ngomso neenkabi, eziinyanda azihambi zodwa zihamba nazo zonke iimpahla zokuqala umzi; amapheyile, amakhukho, iingobozi ndibala ntoni na. Ziza kuthiwa tha zibone zizhlwele zonke ngomso xa kwendiswayo. Ingayimpazamo ukuba ikhukho lomnyeni nelomtshakazi lilibaleke, kaloku aba bantu babini aba lali cala linye, ngaphandle koba ke utata lo utsibe iziko. 

Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo! Ngumtshaaaaaaaattttoooooo

Akulalwanga kuyaphi kuba oko isitsho imbombozi ubusuku bonke. Andazi kuyothini na ngomgidi? Zisuka nje abantu bayayoba; ziindwane. Kuvukiwe ekuseni kwacelwa abafana ukuba bakhombe amaTshowa iziko lokupheka lenyama bebeze nayo. Ngaxeshanye ihlatyiwe ibhokhwe yokuvusa iindwendwe. Onozakuzaku bebemangxadangxada kuba kuyo yonke lonto kufuneka bazise abasemzini neendwendwe ngokuqhubekayo kwenzele ooNotshula Kome balungiselele ukuyokha amanzi. Kuthe nakanjalo yafika impahla yoduli yiyo le ithe zava enkundleni ibukelwa ngumntu wonke. Kuzathi xa kuwiswa inkomo yamasi, kaloku umtshakazi utyiswa amasi, zifakwe gumbini thile. Inintsi into eyenzekayo kutsho ingoma macala kaloku konwatyiwe kwaZimasile. Ngapha ngase goqweni akumiwanga kuyadlalwa, ngapha ngabakulomyeni kwelinye icala ngabakulomtshakazi, kuyaboniswana ukuba kwenziwa nje, kukho abalinganisa ngamakhuba, kukho ababonisa iinkathelo njalo njalo.

Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo! Ngumtshaaaaaaaattttoooooo

Kaloku ixesha liphala ngakumbi xa konwatyiwe. Sele kusemvakwemini. Inkomo yamasi sele iwile. Abantu abasuka kwiinkalo ngeenkalo sebethe dwedwelele kwikundla kaZimasile. Sikumgidi ngoku. Sabela uyabizwa wena ongavimbiyo. uZimasile lo makabuyise utywala babantu. Ibhunga beliyizolo. Iinkabi ezitya nalomzi zibalulwe kuthiwe onesikhalo aze ngaphambi. Iingcwele zifolile. Kuzawuvakala ngubani osemtshweni. Phantse zonke iziganda neempikwana ezikufuphi zilawulwe. Lo ka Zimasile ulawule akadlalisanga, uwele iqombe ubuqu wayotsho kumango ka Dayimane, eBumbana, eBathenjini. Ingathi sizasela ekhapha. Qabela ukhutshwe, themba mqala uzoginya.

Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo!Nguwo! Nguwo! Nguwo! Ngumtshaaaaaaaattttoooooo

Kunjalo elonwabeni mfundi. Nam ndisele ndophela. Bebubuninzi utywala kwaZimasile. Oko iindwendwe zizinyikitya ngotywala, inyama, unyovu ndibala ntoni na? Ncingba ndithethile noko kwavokotheka. Kodwa ke imibono ayifani, lonto ithi nam njengombhali ndinomdla wokuva ngolwazi lwakho mfundi NGOKWENDA koMFAZI. Inene linye elanyanga umntu; ndiyabulela kuni nonke nina enithe naxhasa ukwenza kwalomsipha. Ndivumileni ke ngoko ndibuyele emva ekubunjweni kukaNokhungile. Ithi ke ngoku lonto sizabuza nto yimbi; ngokabani lomtshato, kuthombe bani?

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Ndibomvu ndinje

 Uyini na umntu ngaphandle kwemvelaphi yakho? Siphuma ndlwini inye, kodwa asivani siyacalucalulana. Kunele kufika lo Wase-Ntshona, wasikhohlisayo saba ziintshaba. Uthe kuthi uphethe ukuphila, umqulu, umthetho, umnombo wobuntu bonke; uthe uphethe impucuko. Uthe konke esinako masikulahlele embo apho kudliwa ngendebe endala. Uthe iinkolo zakhe kukuphila kuthi masiyeke ukuzikhohlisa ngeziyalo zookhokho bethu. Uthe nguye indlela nguye inyaniso yobom. Uye wathi yena uphethe ubomi obungcono. Usibonise ilizwe elimbeje mbeje, usibonise ubunewu newu, yaluncuthu kuthi. 

Uye wathi iingcinga zethu zisemva, masihambe namaxesha utsho ejonga esihlahleni. Usithenge ngeendaba ezintsha, nemibono emitsha sathengeka, usigrogrise ngamalangabi azele amafutha ashushu sandywandywa. Uye wasenza amakhoboka. Uye wasenza oodinga sithebeni. Uye wasenza abangcatshi. Siye sangabalandeli bakhe abakhulu, siye sazizikhwenene sesandi sokunyathela kumahla ndenyuka bobubomi asakhele bona. Sisisizukulwana sokuqala sempucuko. Siyityeshele imithetho yookhokho bethu, yaye asizisoli. Nokuba idala impixano nozalo lwam kodwa ndiziva ndingumntu opheleleyo. Ndisisithunywa, mandipapashe uncuthu bobomi obutsha, ndizakuqala kulendlu yam, abantu bazabona kuthi. Ndingubani na mna? Ngumbuzo okudala ndizibuza wona lo. Kukho into elapha kum ngaphakathi, edala ixhala, isazela, ukungaqiniseki. Ndivuka ndinesikrokro. Ndibona ndingenayo impendulo. Ndizibona ndingumguqulelwa womnye umntu. Ndizalwa ngobokuqala, kodwa singamalolo kuba ezi zakuthi zihamba ngesidima. Inoba basithatha phi esisidima na bethu? Kungangathi baswele kuba bengenabo ubunewu newu, nempucuko le ndinayo. Lonto ayenzi madolwanzima xa sisekhayeni. Ungababona xa behombile siphuma sithi ndwanya amehlo kukothuka. Uthi utata bayazikhohlisa, kodwa mna andiboni ukuzikhohlisa. Ndibona abantu abazingcayo. Nangona nje ndithandwa Ngulo, kodwa obam ubomi bunkungu.

Ndingubani na mna xa ndingelilo ithenjwa? Ndingumntu onjani xa ndingenguye umlandeli? Noko ndicingba ndilibala elimdaka ngabom. Kukho apho kukho umnombo wam. Ndisuke ndalihlahla elihamba nje, ziphi iingcambu zam? Uthi utata ndinemikhwa engenayo inqubela, kodwa andiva zithonga kuba ndiyaphila emboleni. Bendiyiqabe izolo, kaloku kulapho utata andosule ubumnyama khona ngokutsho kwakhe ke phofu. Ikhaya ayiselo khaya kum, ndisuke ndalundwendwe. Ingqondo ayizinzanga isoloko isisiphithiphithi. Kukho lengulo ndinayo, yewethu emboleni ibimile ithe nto. 

Ndiliqaba? Ingathi sisenyeliso nje eso? Kaloku utata ubonyanya ukufa abantu ababomvu, uthi batsalela emva nezithethe zabo ezingabalulekanga. Kulapho ndifumana ubumi kuba utata undibonise ubomi apho ndizithandabuzayo ubumi bam. Kumandi emboleni, ndingumntu phambi koba ngumntu onantoni, kaloku okokuqala ebomini bam ndineempendulo ezonelisa intliziyo nengqondo yam. Ndiyahomba nam, owu yini ukukhululeka komphefumlo wam. Yazi utata ingqondo yakhe ithinjiwe, wenziwe imfama kuba kuthiwe imfundo bubumi bakhe kanti sisixhobo sobubomi siphila phantsi kwabo. Kunezinto azenzayo angazibuziyo kodwa usoloko enombuzo xa kuthiwa nasi iSintu.

Kudala ndisemboleni. Kuthe kanti izigrogriso zika tata bubuvuvu obenziwa kukungazi. Ndifike imbola le seyibumbatsha, ngenxa yokutshitsha kwesithethe. Ndiphinde ndalilolo kwakhona kuba baninzi abalandeli abafana notata. Bendilihlebo ekungcatsheni kwam, ndiyihlekisa ekuzifumaneni kwam. Intloni andinazo ngalembola, kuba iziyalo, iimfundiso, ubumna, inkolo , imbali, imibono, ingcambu ndiziqaba kobubuso bunyelisiweyo. Mandamkele izenyeliso zomvuzo wokuba nguMntu omgqibeleleyo, ngumntu onyathela phezu'kwezithuko ezibumba ubulwanyana, ezithandabuza ubuntu bam. Ingxaki ukuphuma kwalo sisizalisekiso soba ndingaliqaba elonyeliswayo kodwa andibolekanga ziimvo zamntu ngobam ubomi.

Ndiyayazi okuzomeleza: 
Umele ubumi bakho. 

"Noba singamaqaba kodwa siyaqiqa Noba kuthwa siqab'imbola kodwa amehlo avuliwe siyabona. Noba sijongelwa phantsi kodwa amehlo wethu siwaphose kophezulu. Xhuma mxhosa waseXhora angena amanzi endlini. Xathisa uxananaze uxabe kulomnyango ulwele abantu baseMzini. Umgquba uyopha, liyaphalala igazi, ilanga litshone emini. Mntu wakwantu owenziwa umntu ngabantu. Yenza Ubuntu ebantwini kuba kaloku litsho nelabantu bakudala. Umntu ngumntu ngabantu.." (Siziba, 2015).

Ndililo eli libomvu neenkomo zalo.

Monday 15 June 2015

Ukwenda komfazi – Part 1

KULOTYOLWE kwagqitywa, manditsho nangona umfazi engagqitywa nje. Icekwa lilele nalo kaMathentamo ukuba alungise umntana wakhe. Umntu ke akagqitywa ukubunjelwa ubuntu. UFuniswa lo uyintombi uphelele; ukhutshiwe efukwini yaye uthonjisiwe. 

Abantu abadala bekhaya sele bekhona, kudala bezimasile, kukhona amaDingata asuka naseMbatshe. Oomakhelwane kudala bezimasile, kaloku lomzi ukwilali ebizwa ngoDingata kwaye ayothusi into yokuba ungqongwe ngamaDingata. Ndivumele xa ndisithi amaDingata onke ayephelele. 

Ahh!!! Zam'njini! "Ehh mzi ka Bhotomane, ka Tshowa, ka Gqumashe, ka Makotwana, masiwuqale lomsebenzi walentombi senjenje; Madingata nibiziwe apha kwaMathentamo - "Ehh ndim lo uZam'njini ONGCAMISA uFuniswa intombi yenu. Ndithi masazise ooyise ukuba simsa emendweni, ze angabuzwa ngooyise ukuba,’Funiswa ufuna ntoni na apha’? “Siceba ukumazisa nakoobawo bakhe bangambuzi ukuba ‘ungubani, ufuna ntoni na apha’? "Nje ngoko kwakuvunyelwene ukuba ngalo'mhla sizakumsa emzini UMTSHAKAZI okanye intombi le yethu. "Sizakwenza nje nto zika Makotwana; uFuniswa lo makahlanjwe kuqala ngeyeza lekhaya ISIHLAMBEZO, ebuhlanti ngumphathi-nduku, sizakulinda apha endlwini, membathiseni ibhayi kaloku, nimkhuse ubuze obu bakhe. "Bafazindini! – Qabani lomntana UMDIKI emva kocango. "Boomama bakwaDingata GUNGXISANI lomntana; nimnxibise iimpahla ezintsha zakhe ZOBUTSHAKAZI niyosilinda ENKUNDLENI nakugqiba. “Ukwenjenje ke maTshowa sizama ukujongisa ngasebuhlanti, EMAXHANTINI, lingade lithambeke ilanga, kukude kwaGcaleka". 

Ahh!!! Singathile! "Abafana mabasondeze ibhokhwe YOMNGCAMO ngasebuhlanti SIZONGCAMISA lomntana. Abantu bokuma bayaziwa ekhapha maTshowa, khokhela mphathi-nduku". 

Sisemaxhantini bayaphikisana ngokuvumisa abafana. Bafanele kuba inkundla igcwele iyaphuphuma, kufuneka umfana ovumisayo hayi lenqala.

Ahh!!! Ntab'oyolo khawuvumise nkosi.

Ahh!!! Dal'inqaba "Vumisa mfana"!

Atsho ukuvumisa uNontaba; Ehhhhh Nkooooosssi. Qo xa ethethayo uzamana ukutsho umfana ovumisa ehhh nkoooooosssi.

Ahh!!! Dal’inqaba "Yiyo le inkabi engcitha… (ehhh nkooooosi) "esimngcamisa ngayo lomntana, simsa kwaGcaleka eMaTshaweni...(ehhh nkoooosi). ”Siceba ke ukwazisa ooyise...(ehhh nkooooossssiii), abalele ukuthula ukuba iintombi yenu iyaphuma ngoluhlobo...(ehhhh nkooossii), iyokwenda... (ehhh nkoosssii), akazuphuma nje ngaphandle kwemvume yenu...(ehh nkooooosssiii), kaloku siceba ukudibanisa ooyise noobawo bakhe ayakubo...(ehhh nkosi). "Mphathi-nduku amade ngawetyala...(ehhh nkoooosssi), kudala ukwel'khaya... (ehh nkoooosi), masijike amabombo sifulathele umbandla sinjongise ngasebuhlanti..." (UTSHO UTHI AMADE NGAWETYALA MAKUNGENWE EBUHLANTI)ahh yavumisa into ka Nontaba.

Ahh!!! Singathile! "Umthathi ukho, ukhiwe, khuphani umkhono uzakufakwa e-emeleni, ulungiswe ngumphathi-nduku kwenzele izawutshwama lentombi. ”Mphathi-nduku lungisa umbengo, uzawutyiwa ngulomtshakazi noNootsula-Kome bakhe; unina abe kufuphi. "Iintloko mazihambe kunye nalomkhono womtshwamo. ”Ekufikeni kwethu NGORHATYA KUZAKUDLALWA; ndithetha ngalatshintshi tshintshi wezaswiti (iibhontile); sizawunikwa indlu kulamzi; wena Nomandwebi, nje ngoyisekazi wakhe uzaba YINKAZANA. "Uyawazi ke umsebenzi WENKAZANA; emva kocango! ”Inkunkuba kunye namabande siphuma nawo kulamzi emveni kwalomcimbi. "Kube kanti uwajonge ngeliso elubukhali, sizakuwalahla endleleni xa sibuyayo. ”Asifuni kusetyenziswe ububi ukutshisa lomntana ngeembiza kufuneka sityhole enye into”.

Ahh!!! Zam'njini! "Hheke, nantsi into ndiyilibala, ndiyabulela mkhuluwa wam, INKOMO YOBULUNGA yiyo le. ”UFuniswa lo uzakuxhwitha kuyo nabantwana bakhe. "Ukuwa kwayo, izawuphinde ivuswe nguye”. 

Ahh!!! Noleveni! "Ngesokusa ezintloko zizawuphekelwa oobawo bakhe, nincede nizihambise NESITSHETSHE ESITSHA kunye NESITYA ESITSHA. ”Intombi le no-NOOTSULA-KOME kufuneka begqibe LAMKHONO, kuyothi emva kwemini emveni koba besuka UKUYOTHEZA, NOKUYOKHA AMANZI kuphekelwe iindwendwe akugqiba asiwe KULANDLU INKULU AYALWE ngabantu basemzini wakhe”.

Ahh!!! Singathile! "Ehh siyacela maGcaleka...ehh siceba ukugoduka kodwa ke isithethe sithi kumele sishiye lamazwi besimnike wona ekhayeni kulandlu iinkulu. ”Sifuna nibe ngamangqina okuba akaphumanga nje, uyaliwe, ukhululwe ngooyise. "Nisibonisile ke nakanjalo ukuba WAMKELEKILE nalapha EMZINI wakhe, NIMYALILE, imizi nto zikaTshiwo ayifani ifana ngeentlanti nje kuphela. ”Yiyo lonto nisibizile ukuba sibe ngamangqina EZIYALO enithe nambekela zona; ukwenjenje sicela indlela maGcaleka”.


ITshowa eli aliziceleli indlela lodwa, litshayelelela nam mbhali. Sisiseko sobufazi esi. Asipheleli nje apha. Ze nilindele uduli sibone ukuba lisiphatheleni na lona. Ndibulela ukuncazelwa ngolwazi nguDalinqaba, Dadebawo uThumeka kunye noBazukile; ke lomondlalo wolwazi uthe waphoselwa iliso elijolise ekulungiseni iziphene ngumzukulwana ka Jako ndiyabulela Jalamba; kwekhu ndingamlibala njani na uFaku ka Ndayeni?

Monday 28 January 2013

To My Lover: Part 1 Spoiled for choice.

To My Lover
Spoiled for choice
Have you hated someone for loving you too much and for desiring change in his past through you? Who would give up everything for you to be the best of the best?  Who is so blatantly naïve and knowingly commits to this blindness because you are his offspring that not even ‘Wintery’ odds could stop you from budding? Have you ever been selfish by wanting this suffocating love when life has made you want your last breathe to be imminent? Have you ever had love that’s so unique that makes you a stranger to your own surroundings? Have you ever been loved that there’s no love for anyone else to give? Have you ever been loved that assistance is doubted to be sufficient because this lover doesn’t assist, but inherits your hitch? One never realizes what he has when he is spoiled for choice, and who said we aren’t living our parents’ dreams?
I grew up in two worlds I wanted to belong to one that thought I was too intact and escape the other one I loathed even though demographically I belonged. I was educated belonged to the much hated ‘English-Language-Lovers’ ‘Non-Whites’ (Franz’s definition of another form of blacks), I wanted to be so ‘broken’ that I use to borrow my sister’s kakis so that I can pretend to go to the same school as hers. If it meant being one with my family meant to be so called broken then I wanted to be damaged. I admired ‘criminal minded’ beings they became my role models, admired their frustration which transcended into my rebellion so devoted in changing the world’s injustice. It could only be achieved by showing my loyalty; I had to join in their ideology and activities. I frowned upon English, ‘Coconuts’ even though I went to school with them, admired taxi drivers, hated TV games, loved the most inclusive sport (football), loved anything that was not new to my people, loved umasikandi music, made a promise to myself never to be like the other Ixopo going ‘pussies’. This meant I would want to be a lot of things in life, and what I aspire to should not shift me away from my people anything that would make me feel in deep into the world I loathed meant it wasn’t for me.
I wanted to be many things in life, a taxi driver, soldier, footballer, town planner, lawyer, architecture, artist, accountant Chartered Accountant (CA); many of these changed with time and were influenced by people who surrounded me. There one that came much later of which I thought I really wanted to be is an accountant, I hated accounting but the hype about it and the joy it brought to my lover made me want it more. Close to grade 12 I realised I would be too deep, I could picture the disconnection I wanted to pool away. My lover saw it as fear and low self-esteem which had some truth in it, but truthfully speaking people doing it lacked adventure, rebellion, a sense of debate I admired in people they seemed more into keeping the status quo. My lover was adamant he wanted me to do this, I mean we the race who cannot afford to experiment with the choices we make (Franz Fanon) I could not explain all this infatuation with insurgence, it was a scarce skill and I would be able to amend his past through my accomplishment. Mrs Forgarty saw a Philosopher the fact that I hardly spoke in class her opinion validated my envisioned quest in life besides these people (Philosophers) had a continuous internal debate in the pursuit of ‘human-development’. I admired and followed many of these people they are pro barred people of which my people were, but many of them did not study Philosophy it was inborn they had other careers. My lover had facts and I had dreams!
Livingstone High School Badge
Livingstone had geared me for whatever I could stand in the mist of giants, but the thought what academic jungle to conquer made sleep impossible thoughts was my rest. I studied in the Western Cape which had an exceptional matriculation pass rate which made passing nothing of an issue. I had applied to many prestigious Universities my subject choice meant with the right results I could follow any career, I was spoiled for choice. I struggle with how did I perform; did I get a D, C maybe I can be ambitious and say a B or an A average. I could not get my results or see my name in the papers I was at home and home papers didn’t show Western Cape or other provinces’ results, but my lover saw me dying from suspense and asked someone to go check for me. Maybe Merit to other people is an under achievement, but to me it was unbelievable some of the symbols alluded me most of my high school life. I was grateful, but this constant stanch of worrying didn’t allow me to celebrate. Where to from here?
My lover could not wait we had to go to Cape Town and follow through on my application, he made calls I went to enquire only to find out in other universities I have been accepted or could apply late and make it he had organised for me to speak with the right people and of cause I was rejected by others. I had University of the Western Cape (UWC), University of Stellenbosch, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Bellville and Cape Town campuses, I was spoiled for choice. All of these could not suffice to what I and my lover wanted; I wasn’t going to do accounting there and be a CA. 
Rhodes University Logo
It was the 19th of January when we had exhausted our search for possibilities to our yearned for future, there were post boxes next to the lift while waiting for the lift it was common to pick pocket one’s posts box for new letters. There was a brown military letter with a red ‘Rhodes University Where Leaders Learn’ stamp it came when we took a decision for me to take a gap year apply again next year for the desired career. I opened it with an unchangeable idea of what I would do this year; do my licence and take a gap year. The news of the letter did not move me at all because although I have been accepted I still did not know what Bachelor of Commerce (BComm.) I was accepted for, that was the only game changer. My lover took it upon him to go consult and he was told I was spoiled for choice, ‘first year BComm subjects are the same one will choose his or her majors in second year’.
All Roads Lead to Rhodes
The Eastern Cape was calling me a land of AmaGqika that I have never heard off I did not know what to expect, but my lover’s commitment to his naiveté charmingly suppressed my nerves…TO BE CONTINUED

Friday 25 January 2013

The end of the beginning

When the rein of Apartheid ended South Africa became a country of hope, but recently it has become one of hopelessness. This is due to poverty, crime, unemployment, inequalities; disastrous state of education, corruption, greed the list is endless. Those who suffer the brunt of this sordid boon of the past regime are those paralysed by the lack of means of ever escaping such an unpromising place. There are miracle stories of those who do flee such a place and become man amongst men, but we misconstrue this as a possibility for everyone to walk the same road. I call these miracle stories that rebel odds-exception to the rule that can never be true for everyone. We often believe our destiny is not defied by where we come from; our illusion sneaks in when we assume this wilful assertion dismisses the limitation of one’s background on one’s destiny.
I am defined as a class that has much growth promise and hope, but which is in-between the meagre and affluent state of our lives. I have experienced poverty and deprivation, but at list my background offered me hope to break away from the surge of breadline. This came by through education in previously disadvantage schools of Indians, Coloureds and church owned Black schools. Some of my peers who were not offered such an opportunity fully display the gaps that are sometimes blurry to me. The point of no return where one sees the importance of quality is during matriculation. This is the year where students and or schools compete for life elevation. It is quite ironic how we get surprised by the gap in achievements amongst students and schools, but all this time earlier standards reflected the future of one’s results.
The most difficult year in my formal education was grade 11; grade 12 was easy. What made grade 11 tricky was that it was the foundation on which to continue from in grade 12. What grade 12 had was too much work to cover, social activities of all kind, pressure of making it to the best university and choosing a viable career all of this was fitted in limited time. The stress of success, being better than ones parents and achieving as highly as possible haunted all those who received quality education. The question of failing never dawned in me it was a matter of how high my marks will be affording me a place in one of the influential universities. Success was inevitable, being better was predestined especially for us who were to be the first to go institutes of higher education, the teacher stuff and support made achieving highly foreseeable. If one felt so positive how could one fail? How did those who had no such resources feel? Did they give up? Did they feel inferior to other students? Did they put their dreams into hold to escape the mockery of realist? My fear of hypocrisy averts me from answering these painful questions.
What I battled with was choosing the right career and university, fortunately we had Vocational Guidance every Wednesday which afforded us the chance to do job shadowing, get presentations of  different careers and most importantly what subject choices met those careers. This occurred as early as grade 11, when I knew people who wanted careers which they could not do due to misguided subject choice. Universities around the Western Cape were also organised to come and tell us all about their institutions, there were career days where we went to them snooped around, looked at their brochures, asked questions and received the right answers. This happened in a country where I know people who have no access to such universities. These institutions went as far as selling their institution to us, claiming to be the best at what they do. It was a matter of choosing the institution that best suited you. How could one study towards his chosen career when his or her subject choice was wrong? How could one choose the right and best university when one has not heard of such institutions? It was in this class that I first discovered Rhodes University even though I am from the Eastern Cape. There was a folded form with no brochure lying around one of my classmate picked it up and asked, “What is this? Where is it from?” The teacher bestowed her wisdom sarcastically, “It’s written there on the form, and it’s a university from the Eastern Cape”. He threw it to me while uttering the not so startling words, “Eastern Cape (that’s what they called me), take this and apply”. I took it home to other forms from the University of Stellenbosch, University of the Western Cape, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, University of Cape Town, Witwatersrand University, and University of KwaZulu-Natal. I applied to all the only difference with this form to others was that these came with an envelope and a brochure; I applied with no presented guidance, and care from my side.
The environment was ideal for success, my father’s exceptional support granted nothing but success, the teachers’ magnificent skill advocated knowledge beyond measure and most importantly their shared wisdom of what to expect in University although it sometimes brought fear and unworthiness made entering higher education seamless. Although university is a place where one discovers himself my form of personal expression and knowledge loving was discovered in my latter years of my schooling. This occurred when I met women who loved power of knowing and wanting to know. Mrs Forgarty showed me the value of curiosity being on the quest of fighting not knowing and her teachings of the most important gear of higher education being research, discussion-essay construction, and referencing; Mrs Du Plooy’s intrigued love of efficiency and principled acquiring of knowledge with no favours and total inclusion; and Mrs Kay’s love and respect for her student beyond measure, knowing when to laugh and to be serious and knowing every students’ potential and warmly unleashing it.
I got all of this, but I received it with so much guilt as I could not walk sightless to escape witnessing the state of some in my families’, homeboys’ and home-girls’, countrymen’s education.